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We Make Solar Savings Easy. Get Up to a 75% Lower Electricity Bill.

Harness the sun's natural energy and power your home for less. Serving New Jersey, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. Find out how much you can save with solar panels in your area!

High Bill Savings

Low Energy Rate

Clean Electricity

$0 Out-Of-Pocket

Made To Last

sunzee solar

Most homeowners save between 47-73% on their electricity bill with solar panels. By utilizing the sun's natural energy to power your home you could save thousands of dollars every year, making your solar investment well worth it. The financial difference between traditional energy vs. solar is a true no-brainer.

Sunzee Solar panels
Sunzee Solar
solar company new jersey

By harnessing the sun's energy and avoiding greenhouse gas emissions, solar panels help reduce the number of harmful pollutants released into the atmosphere, mitigating climate change impacts. They're also a long-term solution for sustainable energy production that does not deplete finite resources.

solar new jersey

Solar panels are the most efficient way to generate energy for your home while keeping costs and carbon emissions down. By making the switch to renewable you play your part in the environment while also maximizing your yearly savings, a smart and rewarding investment to be proud of.

Sunzee Solar
Sunzee Solar

Who We Are

About Sunzee Solar

At Sunzee Solar, we love innovative technology that will help our planet thrive while also reducing homeowners' energy costs. It's a win-win situation we are extremely passionate about and love to help our customers transition into.


We're grateful our technology has advanced this far for us to be able to live a more sustainable life with solar. With electricity always on the rise, going solar has always felt like a no-brainer for us.


Our solar experts are happy to help answer any questions you may have to make going solar simple and easy for you.

10+ yrs

Installing & Servicing


 Homes Installed


Customer Satisfaction

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